Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Moon and I...

Dearest Friends of The Tearoom,
It has been such a long time since we have seen our Dear Friend Violette!  Today, she has returned in a collage I did for the Take A Word Collage Challenge this week.  The prompt this week was "Moon" and as you may or may not know, I love creating new stories involving that other Dear Friend of The Tearoom, The Moon!  Here, I have created a collage I have had in my head for a long time.

...And once again, as I have before, I pose the question to you, "What if The Man in the Moon is really a Woman?"

(Images I used in my collage today are from The Graphics Fairy and Wikipedia).

Additional note:  Since so many of my nice blogging friends have commented that they would like to see more of Violette, I just thought I would let you know that she went for a very romantic and fanciful ride to another tearoom in this post about a Mad Tea Party.  Also, there is a very sweet portrait of her with Victorienne in this post as well!


  1. This is so romantic!Beautiful composition!

  2. Gorgeous work this is very mystical and lovely.

  3. Yikes! If the man in the moon is actually a woman, I'm definitely closing my curtains at night! :-)

  4. This is exquisite - so delicately executed and so beautifully designed. I love it!! Hope to see more Violette stories in the near future.

  5. I really love this fabulous art piece. Great idea, too.

  6. There is no man in the moon, it's a wicked story put about by the male of the species. Long live Miss Moon! :D

  7. Dear Karla and Deann,
    Thank you so much for your visit and your kind comments!

    Dear Bill,
    Thank you so much for your very funny comment!!

    Dear Marie (Ozstuff),
    Thank you! Violette has made her appearance several times here and I'm sure she will be back! She is a Very Dear Friend of The Tearoom!

    Dear Sirrkis,
    Thank you so much! I appreciate your words!

    Dear Taluula,
    I couldn't agree more!!

    Hugs to all,


  8. An unusual take on a moon challenge and I love it and I love Miss Violette! magical! xx

  9. Thank you, June! She will be back again soon!


  10. I love the idea of a she in the moon, Betty. This is a dreamy bit of art, lovely to see!

  11. Wise women all know that the Moon is a Goddess...Violette looks every inch one as well!

  12. Thank you so much, Bev and Linda! It is a pleasure to see you both at The Tearoom and thank you for the lovely comments!


  13. oh, a lady in the moon! what a great idea! and she really seems to be on the romantic side...

  14. Dear Johanna,
    Oh yes! She is a romantic and I have posted links to other places where she has made an appearance at The Tearoom as well!


  15. Beautiful piece and interpretation! I think she is the lady in the moon :)

  16. Lovely collage. I've always had this intuition that the Man on the Moon was actually a woman...


I am so very happy to read your comments!