Thursday, September 18, 2014

Summer is Over, But Autumn Brings Treats!

Dearest Friends of The Tearoom,
How did it happen?  Only a few short weeks ago, Mr. V and I were wandering about in some of the dear little coastal towns only a few hours from here, eating dinner outside in Belfast, having lunch in a park in Camden...I even got to paddle my feet in the ocean at Lincolnville Beach!  And now, we are back to blankets on the bed at night and making curries and pizzas for dinner.  The summer just does not last long enough for us here in The Land of The Tearoom, glorious and lush as it might be.

But we won't be sad for long because we have treats waiting for us as autumn approaches!

First of all, Our Dear Friend Vanessa of A Fanciful Twist has announced the date of her annual Halloween Blog Party!!!  The date is October 25th this year!  If you are so inclined, please visit her blog and sign up to participate on your blog!  Or, if just visiting is more your style, please mark the date to come back here and see what madness we will be up to and then go visit her and the other party-goers as well!

I always have fun participating in Vanessa's blog parties and if you would like to see what festivities went on in The Tearoom on Halloweens Past, please take a peek here:

And it is starting to look like Halloween (at least a bit!) at Velvet Revived recently as well!  I moved my Halloween collage sheets to the first page and couldn't resist making a new one from several public domain sources I found!

available now at Velvet Revived

And finally, may I recommend some videos for your Halloween viewing?  We have been big fans of Jim Jarmusch for such a long time (Night on Earth and Mystery Train are two of our favorites) and when we finally received Only Lovers Left Alive on DVD recently, we dived in like it was a plate of pastries!  Not scary in the least, but so dark and atmospheric with a very wry sense of humor, these vampires are more hot-house flowers than monsters.  Our own personal copy is on its way to us and we peer into the mailbox each day until it arrives!

I also can't wait for the DVD release of Penny Dreadful on DVD next month!  I got to see several episodes in the hotel where we stayed in Belfast a few weeks ago.  It's so good!

Keep watching for more upcoming surprises here at The Tearoom, including news about a giveaway (or two)!


  1. Since my family doesn't celebrate Halloween, I'm wondering if we could make my popsicle from a Bloody Mary? :-)

  2. Too much vodka would probably make them not freeze too well. However, when I lived in Washington, DC, I used to make a frozen Virgin Mary soup to eat on hot summer nights when it was just too hot to eat! Too yum!



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