Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Gossamer Tearoom Film Festival
Film Five

I do so hope you are enjoying the festival!

I am so very pleased to bring to you tonight a clip from one of my favorite movies ever. As I have mentioned before, if you haven't seen Jean Cocteau's Beauty and the Beast, please do so. Please make yourself a cup of your favorite tea, along with one, or better yet, two, of your very favorite tea-time treats, turn out all the lights and experience one of the creepiest, most romantic, most beautiful movies you will ever see.

Once in a while there are movies which are not really movies, but experiences. This is one of those movies.

(All videos from YouTube.)


  1. This is fabulous. I love it when you can see his little ears move! The costumes are so lovely!

    Hope you had a wonderful day sweet friend!


  2. What a lovely bit of dark enchantment!

  3. I never have seen that film! So thank you for showing here Betty! Beautiful!


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