Sunday, October 28, 2018

Drawlloween 2018 - Week Four

Hello Again and Welcome to Week Four of Drawlloween!  I've combined prompts on two days this week.  Mab worked really hard to make sure the prompts were lined up this year so that this would be possible and it was fun to take up that challenge and get a couple of days off as a bonus!



Monster (Freestyle)

Hunters Moon/Dark Forest

Toad/Swamp Thing

There will only be two art works for next week, a drawing for the "Raven" prompt and a combination drawing for "Mary Shelley", "Bride" and "Frankenstein".

Keep watch for the last pieces for Mab's Drawlloween Club this year.  And then, what we've all been waiting for, the Halloween Teeny Tea on Halloween Day!

Wishing you a lovely week ahead!


  1. Happy Samhain dear Betty, to you and Mr V. !! Enjoy the season with all your wonderful newborn creatures, they are magic ! Blessings and love :)

    1. Thank you so very much, my Dear Friend! We wish you a very lovely Halloween!

      With biggest hugs,


I am so very happy to read your comments!