Friday, October 12, 2012

Announcing The Halloween Collection 2012...

Dearest Friends,
As promised, I have been working hard on Halloween preparations!  There are spider-webs to be dusted (checking first for occupancy so as to not disturb the friends who live in them) and creeky old bits to be pulled out from this dark corner and that, all for this spookliest of months of celebration!!  Ooooh!

And so, without further ado, may I present to you...The Gossamer Tearoom collection of ornaments for yourself and your home:

From the top: CatWoman Halloween Tree Ornament,
The Lily Grower Silk and Glitter Pillow Brooch,
the new, bigger, brighter and more beautiful
Silk and Glitter Anatomical Heart Pillow Brooches
(in black and in red)

Also, from The Bijouterie of The Gossamer Tearoom, a beautiful ornate Edwardian heart design, printed on silk, stuffed with fluff to make it light and soft like the rest of my brooches, and decorated with either purple & blue, platinum (a pretty shade somewhere between gold and silver) or red glitter.
The extra-special part of this new brooch is a bit more texture due to being sewn in two places in the middle for a quilted effect.
So bright and luscious...
Perfect for everyday wear or to adorn your goth, historical or steampunk costume for Halloween!!


  1. oooo they are really lovely. I'd have them for all year round, not just Halloween. :-)

  2. Thank you, Rachel!! Actually, once I add pieces like this to the shop, I have them there all the time, because, like you, I think they are great for all the time! I wear them myself and definitely don't save them for just once a year!

    Can't wait to visit your party at Vanessa's Halloween Party on the 27th!


  3. Betty, thank you darling!
    the hearts above are too awesome. And it a perfect ruby red too



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