Sunday, January 15, 2012

Left for me in my e-mail...

My Dearest Mr. V left this quote for me in my e-mail and I thought it was just too interesting not to share! I have the flu again (for the second time this month) and so I think it took me much longer to make a little mini poster of it than it should have. But it speaks to me on a whole lot of levels and so I hope it does you too, My Dear Friends of The Tearoom!


  1. Great quote!

    Sorry about the flu. As I sit here typing this my stomach is talking back to me..and I'm not liking it one little bit!!

    Feel better!! xoxo

  2. Thank you,Sherry. I hope you are not getting sick too! My neighbor's doctor (who was also my parents' doctor before they moved to the homes) said that the strain that is going around her is unusual in that it doesn't leave any immunity to itself, so when you are done, your body doesn't know it has had it and if you are exposed, you just get it all over again. Charming.


  3. I am so sorry about the flu. Those flu bugs have been horrible already this year. I hope you feel better very soon. And I agree - it's a very interesting quote. :)

  4. Betty darling!

    Thank you for your words dear. I have to tell you that I absoltely LOVE your collage from below. How whimsical and inspiring!



  5. Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my blog dear Betty. Yes you know what I went through. I have such a peace with my moms death. She was such a little flame in the end . It was time for her to rest.
    She was such a sweet mom and that, we keep for always in our heart.

    How are you Betty and how is your life at the moment?

    Hugs Julia


I am so very happy to read your comments!