Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Mad Tea Party

It is time for another festive tea party, dear friends! Miss Vanessa of A Fanciful Twist is hosting a Mad Tea Party on her blog on June 27th! I can't wait!!


  1. I will be there for sure! I missed it last year, I was not a blogger... I didn't understand it yet. I saw the tea party by chance, looking for something else and could not believe it!! It was so magical & incredible!! It took me weeks to figure out it wasn't real:)

  2. Janet,
    That is so cute! But I know what you mean! Some very talented folks have created some pretty amazing worlds for themselves out here in the blogsphere! I have only had this blog since January 1 and I can't believe what nice people I have met!
    Thanks for checking in!


I am so very happy to read your comments!