Thursday, January 20, 2022

A Breakfast Meeting...

Hello to All Friends of The Gossamer Tearoom!

Hoping you are all safe and well in this New Year.  I don't know about you, but after all the activity of the holidays, even staying at home in isolation like we did, I found myself actually missing all of the busy-ness!  For me, it's always best to follow it all up with several projects lined up to start the year, so I sat in on the Breakfast Meeting between Mr. Bear and Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle this week.

It's a very cold but bright morning, so we are enjoying using our green and white dishes, to keep us thinking about spring!

(As always, you can click on images to see them larger.)

I've made Mr. Bear's and Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle's favorites scones.
I'm serving them with the Nasturtium Butter I made from
the last nasturtiums of the season last fall.  I then froze the
butter, knowing I would want to use it at the coldest part of the winter.

The bright yellow, orange and red nasturtium blossoms were
ground in a mortar and pestle and then added to some butter.
Freezing it meant we could look ahead to a cold mid-winter
morning when we would need some remembered cheer from summer.

Getting everything ready to serve breakfast.

It's a good morning to have a large cup of hot tea to go along
with your breakfast!

This morning, we are having a rolled herb omelet,
cheddar cheese scones with nasturtium butter,
and our tea this morning is a real treat!
We are having some of the Paris tea from Harney & Sons,
given to us as a gift from our friend Laura for Christmas!
(She has a beautiful family of Dolls and Bears too!)

This tea is a lovely fragrant blend of black and oolong tea,
with the flavors of vanilla, caramel, bergamot & black currants!
We enjoy it with a splash of milk and a sprinkle of turbinado sugar.

As you can see, there is already a lot of animated discussion
about our upcoming project plans...!

And just look what we have found this morning in the freezer!
Leftover berries from what was our dessert with Christmas Dinner!
We had them with delicious white chocolate and you can easily
make it by following the recipe here!

When Mr. Bear and Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle were Bears and Hedgehogs
of The Woods, finding a treat of frozen berries in mid-winter was a
rare and special treat!  

In previous years, they have met, made their plans,
made notes in their notebooks...

This year, they prefer to leave you with just a few clues...

Can you tell we are excited about all that we have planned for
the New Year?

Stay well, Dear Friends, until we see you again!