Today's collage is for the challenge at Collage Obsession and our paperdoll daughter Victorienne is back! She is such a curious little girl and so when I told her that the prompt at Collage Obsession was "Science", she wanted to be the one to conduct a science experiment!
She had a theory that she could turn perfume into music! In spite of my skepticism, her experiment seems to have been a success! She explains it to me and so I will try and explain it to you. When she was doing her spelling lessons, she saw that the names of some flowers and scents contained the letters which are also the names of musical notes. She built a machine from some of the things that her Daddy helped her find in the attic of The Tearoom. When she added drops of perfume into the machine, the letters which were musical notes went to the gramophone to make music and the left over letters in the names of the scents and flowers left the process in the form of purple-colored smoke! How did she come up with this? I'm not sure, but perhaps she has a future career ahead of her as a scientist!
(Victorienne asks that you click the image to see it larger.)
Images used in my collage today from Tumble Fish Studio
from Mischief Circus and my personal collection.